Archive for 2013

Goodbye 2013

Hello. Last blog post of 2013. And then ONTO 2014! I Still have an essay that I need to write for English class did I did very little work on. Ughh. English class whyyyyyyy?????

I am about to go to this New Year party, and I am supposed to do a performance. There is no doubt in my mind that we are going to do awful. 
Oh well.

Well, nice writing.
Thanks for reading.
Happy New Year, dear friends.

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The Future Looks Bright

Hello. At last the awful week as concluded. This week started out pretty dandy. (Although, so did last week's week...)
Anyway, plans were made for the year of 2014, and I'm actually quite excited for it. I feel like I shouldn't get too pumped about it, but really how could things go so wrong? The worst that could happen, as I see it, is that a) I won't be able to attend all the fun events and b) the events will be cancelled. 

That is all for now.
Thank you much for reading.

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This Bruises My Banana

Hello. This week just gets better and better as the days go by. (And to think it started out so nicely on Sunday). TODAY: I was telling my dad how my laptop was being suckish. He took it into his possession, and attempted to fix it. He takes it, and I head back up into my bedroom. About half an hour later, my dad comes into my room and announces that my computer is officially broken. 
This is the second time I've given my laptop to my dad to fix, and it ends up more broken.
The first time, he caused the laptop to catch fire. Yeah. I know.

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Doctor Who Is An Extremely Sad Show

UGHHHHHH. Hello. Yeah. No. No. Nope. No.
So much of the bad.

So much.
I am so not happy right now.
Not of the happy.

That Christmas special.
I recorded my reaction to the ending.

Thanks for reading
Love you guys forever.

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My Life Is Just A Series of Unfortunate Events

Hello. Well today was a load of suck. Started out with my left arm completely numb the second I woke up this morning. Then to the fact that I was SO FREAKING BORED ALL DAY, and then I find out that one of my best friends is moving to the Philippines and I am not to ever see him for an extremely long time, and lastly, my laptop just broke. So, overall: bad day.

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Winter Vacation is Among Us

Hello.Ohhh gurrll it is finally WINTER VACATION. TWO WHOLE WEEKS WITHOUT SCHOOL!!! I don't exactly have much planned. But here is my to do list:

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Hello. Another installment of Movie November.... In December.... About a movie that didn't premiere in November. Oh well...
Okie dokie, so I watched The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug with 2 friends and a brother. They go by the names of Bailey and Rosa and RJ. It was a wonderful movie. I will not spoil. It was practically 3 hours long, and seriously, I would be 100% willing to sit and watch 5 hours of this movie if it included the ending of the book. Which it DIDN'T BECAUSE CLIFFHANGER. Other than that, yes very good movie. A+. Was entertained throughout the entire thing. 


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Mix CDs Are Wonderful Gifts

Hello. So as gifts to gift to my lovely friends who go by the names of Amy, Bailey, Marianna, Rosa, and Vicki (in alphabetical order), I am currently organizing some mix CDs for them. Making these things are so much fun. Like, you can make just the rhythms flow just perfectly, or make the lyrics of all these different songs fit together, or even better, BOTH!
So, make a mix CD for that special someone. 

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Hello. Due to the fact that it has now advanced to the month of December, there is now snow falling from the sky. 
Also, due to the fact that I am a jobless 15-year-old, I would like to earn money.
And it is very well known that one can achieve money by shoveling snow.
I plan, alongside with my friends, to shovel the snow that is currently falling.
We will earn much money.
Much money for the Supernatural Convention that we all aspire to attend next September. Hopefully all will go well and money will be earned.
That is all for now.
Thank you for reading.
Stay warm my compadres. 

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The Thanksgiving NotFeast

Hello. NotFeast? What's a NotFeast? I will tell you. 

For Thanksgiving, I went to a partayyyy, as I do annually. A family friend invites my family and many others to their abode for Thanksgiving dinner. Me, being me, though, did not eat much at this party. Possibly because before leaving, I ate popcorn, and various chips, and drank some hot cocoa... filling me up quite nicely. All I ate at the party was a little bit of ham. (I don't like turkey.) So I NotFeasted at the NotFeast. So:

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No spoilers.
That episode. Was. Amazing. So good. So very good.
My new favorite episode. 
Surpasses my previous fave episode, Midnight. 
But ship.
But mostly happy.
The episode was very happy.
But the next episode, though. Not so happy. I'm betting everything that it isn't going to be at all gleeful. 
Okay.... that is all.
Thanks for reading this sort of cryptic post.
- Jess

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What a Beautiful Wedding

Hello. So, on November 23rd, 2013 was a day in which two significant things occurred; a wedding, for one thing, and the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary, another. 

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MOVIE NOVEMBER: The First Installment of Probably a Few

Hello. So as you may or may not be aware, November is basically the prime time for new movie releases this year. First to be checked off the list was Thor 2. 

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Step Two of 'Mission: Drive' Complete

Hello. As a sophomore, I am learning the rules of the road. The mission is to be able to drive. Thus far, I have completed:

1) Pass Drivers' Ed class
2) Pass State Exam

Left now is to actually learn how to work an actual car... and then practice... and then LICENSE. SHOOP DA WOOP.

On my State Exam, I got the highest score in all of Mr. Laycock's class so far. Do you know how happy that makes me? Very. I told my mother of the achievement and she appeared to be indifferent, which kind of hurt my feelings. Like, could you at least pretend to be excited for me, or something? 
That is all. Thanks for reading.

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My High School Isn't Completely Horrible

Hello. So today I stayed after school to complete a lab in bio class. It was a fun experiment and it involved gelled water. Very cool.
After that lab was over, I had about 30 minutes to kill before I could board the late buses. What did I do? I took the time to actually appreciate the decor of the school. Such as the newspapers displayed on the walls of the hallways, the pictures, the displays by students. All those things. It's actually really nice... I really enjoy, how in the front hall, there are Class pictures of all the graduated pictures. It's all taken at the same spot out in the field. It's endearing to see the class of 1990 and then turn around the opposite wall and see the class of 2012. Like, I can compare and contrast the different styles, which is a strange thing that I like to do... Like wow look that those dresses and that poofy hair. And then you see an entire different generation in the same spot, but with different people in a different era of style and it so cool.
That is all for now. Thanks for reading.
- Jess

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What a Busy Weekend

HELLO. So I have a bit on my plate at the moment. I have my first Driver's State Exam on MONDAY. I need to study hardcore, man. I know, like, the first half of my Driver's Manual. I have yet to study the second half. Oh my goodness, I really hope I do not fail. It would be a tragic failure. I'd bring ultimate shame to my family if I do not score the required percentage on the first try.
Along with that, I have a Spanish Project due very soon. I have the script down, and I need to memorize that. And then I need to videotape and edit a video. I am going to be needing a lot of duct tape, a recording device to record extremely unpleasant trumpet noises, cardboard-like parchment, paint, and a video recording device. I'm going to need to stop by Five Below and stock up on that crappy design duct tape, because I betcha $50 they don't have plain silver duct tape. No matter, I'm pretty sure you won't even see the design when used the way I'm going to use it. I need to go shopping soon, if I want to have enough time to all this stuff.

Now, what have I actually got done so far this weekend? As mentioned before, I studied the first half of the Driver's Manual. I have gotten down the script I need for the Spanish project. I have yet to get down actual stage directions. But aside from that, it's been filled with a good bit of video games and television and internet. Maybe I should do more of the studying right now. Yes, that is what I will do. 

Thanks for reading.

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Monty Python And The Holy Grail is the Best Movie To Ever Exist

Hello. October is coming to an end. Much sad.
So, anyway, my good friends, Amy and Rosa came over my house and we hung out.
Rosa was in the cute wolf costume and Amy was Cecil-ized. She had sharpie tattoos, it was so cool looking, man. I was just dressed in my pjs... ANYWAY!
We started off listening to many musics. We also videoed our listening of music. It's very obvious that we are teenagers. Like, how teens act? That is seriously how we come off as. It's so weird. Because you think, "No, that's not me." But then... it is you. Everyone always thinks they're the 1% but I can assure you 99% of the time they are not. 
After that fun nonsense, we got to watching a movie. My all time favorite movie. It is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The next school play, I believe is Spamalot, which I think is based off of this wonderful, wonderful film. Like seriously, it is my favorite movie. Of all the movies I have watched, this is definitely my favorite. Seriously. In dedication to me, watch this movie
While watching this, we all agreed that it is vital that we all audition for the Spamalot play. I am so pumped. I really hope I get a part. I really want to be a part of this. Really.
After finishing the movie, my friends departed.
Today was just a fun time with friends. I was very happy to hang out with Rosa and Amy again. This needs to happen more often. And we plan on it to happen more often.
Thanks for reading.

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Some Sweet Sixteens

Hello. This week I have attended in total two parties. I don't typically go to parties. I think this year I have only attended four. Not complaining.

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All You Gotta Do Is Dream (the one with the inspirational movie)

Hello. So typically, I do not receive dreams. But you know what new thing is happening to me? I've been getting dreams! But they are so weird. I guess that's an okay thing. But I just woke up from nap, where in the dream, I starred in an extremely inspirational movie where I was curling my hair perfectly while on the phone with someone, saying inspirational words that I don't remember, and then out of frustration of getting my hair perfectly curled, and the constant burning of hair, I started burning post-it notes with my hair curler. Only it wouldn't burn. It would just appear wet, with the ink on it blend a little. And then on the clouds (because it has been very cloudy this week) was a large projection of the TARDIS and everyone in town hailed it. And that was the end of that dream.
Interesting. I know.
I suddenly have an urge to study up on the psychology of dreams. I think I will proceed in doing just that.

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It Is Too Freaking Cloudy

HELLO. For the longest time, it has been all cloudy and rainy. What is up with that. This is the fall. This is not the time for cloudy rainy-ness. It is the time for light breezes and a whole boat-load of crunchy leaves to annihilate. This rain is not enjoyable.
I'd make this longer, but yeah, no. I will just leave it at that.
- Jess

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It Was An Okay Week

HELLO. So this week was not bad. I will summarize for all of your pretty faces.

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There Was a Seminar

HELLO. I have not done the updating in a few weeks. Sorry 'bout that. But, here I am again. 
Today, there was a seminar of sorts for church. It was very fun. There was food, and videos, and games. Oh how fun the games were. I also performed a song, which was a nerve wrecking experience that lasted for, maybe, 2-3 minutes. I am pretty glad that that's over. I want to see the video taken from there by the professional peeps. I remember waayy in the beginning, I accidentally spilled a whole cup of soda. So, I know that there are pictures of me frantically wiping up soda off the table top, using up all the napkins provided at my table. I know. I am so smooth. 

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Perks of Being A Wallflower and Other Events

Okay, so I just finished reading The Perks of Being a Wallflower. I have not watched the movie yet (in case you were wondering). I feel a bit empty inside because, man, I just finished another book. Next on my list, again, in case you were wondering, will be Paper Towns by John Green. 

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Flannel is Not for 90° Weather

Hello. Holy crap today was freaking HOT! 
I genuinely believed that the weather was beginning to get cooler. Nope. In retrospect, it is still technically summer, so I should not have anticipated fall weather just yet. 
Today, I wore a long sleeved button down blue flannel shirt. I left it unbuttoned, showing a navy blue tank top underneath. Along with this, I wore regular dark washed denim jeans, and plain back shoes. In this outfit, I do not doubt that I looked like some person who spends a lot of time in the streets, and cannot afford fitting clothing. I did not mention that my shirt, although it was the smallest size, was still big on me. Hrumph. 

Yeah, so long sleeved shirt + hot weather = sad face. 

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Crisis More or Less Averted.

Hello. Okay so the crisis is not so much a crisis, but more of a teenage overreaction. Well, the computer problem mentioned in my last blog update? It is no longer a problem. I figured out that the charger will charge when it's held in a certain position. It isn't too hard to find the sweet spot to make it work. So all is well and happy under those respects. That is all for this update. Yeah, I know. Short. 


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My Laptop Makes Me Sad

I have a laptop. One that I've had for roughly four to five years.
And it is absolutely suckish. I need a new one. 
I just had it get 'fixed' and I don't even know how 'fixed' it became because 1 hour after using it after I got it back, the charger broke. Now I cannot even use the laptop. 
This. Sucks. 

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School is Coming. What a Mess.

HELLO. So, I am more or less healed from the pain of Twist and Shout. That is good. ALthough, this morning, while in the car the radio station started playing the Beatles, and what other song would be the first to play? Freaking TWIST AND SHOUT. I am okie dokie now, though. So, worry not.
Onto the subject, school is starting. For some, it has already started, but for myself in the state I reside in, it begins on the 4th of September. And guess what month it is? No need to guess, because it more that likely that you already know, or can just continue reading.

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Well Summer Is Almost Over

Hello! So, Gishwhes is over, and the summer is winding down. I am very bittersweet about this. I am excited for the fall for the sole reason of new season premieres. But... I'm going to be foreced to get back into my old sleeping schedule, which involves going to sleep before midnight. That is an event that hasn't happened.... basically all summer. And I am not looking forward to that. 

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A Disinterest of Sleep and a Lot of Procrastination.

Hello. I, as of late, have had a disinterest in sleeping. It's a not very healthy habit of mine... not sleeping. Actually people die for sleep deprivation. But still. I don't know why I, but I. I just don't know. Some days I sleep around sunrise and wake up well after the noon. Say, 3 or 4 in the afternoon. In time for dinner. And then that cycle continues on. 
I feel like I'm going to have an even larger lack of sleep next week when Gishwhes starts up. I mean... 100+ scavenger hunt list. It's going to take basically all of my attention and things. Sleeping would be something that is of 2nd interest. 
I'm going to go hardcore during that thing, yes. 

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Upcoming: The Best Week Ever

So, upcoming next week... in just a few days... will be what could possibly be the best week of my life thus far. Or at least of the year. Or, on a smaller scale, the best week of my summer. Yeah.... aim small. 
ANYWAY... why would it be the best week ever? I will give a eight big letters.

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Angel With A Shotgun

Oh man. I cannot begin to tell you how much I love this song. I love it so much. It heavily reminds me of Castiel, and that's a good thing. But... the song is just SO. GOOD.
Here, have yourself a listen. No more words. Just magic.

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The Excitement of the Fandoms

What you should know, is that I am a fan of Supernatural, Doctor Who, and Sherlock. And big things have been revealed lately, and I am SO. EXCITED. I CAN'T EVEN. Most of it is coming out of the fall, for sure. 2/3 are. Sherlock is still unbeknownst. (Did I use that word correctly? Eh, more or less. Whatever.)
Okay, so let's start with Supernatural. [Spoiler Alert]

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This is a blog in which i post things about my life

Hello! Well this is different. I am typing. Typing. Typing. Typing. I think I like this font the best. Okay then! Well... welcome to my blog. I am Jess. Nice to meet you. Although I am not going to be seeing your face. So, I guess nice to meet me, I guess. Although, in that situation, I sound a bit self absorbed. Is it really nice to meet me? What if you already know me? Oh, but meeting isn't exactly for the first time all the time. I mean, business people have meeting all the time. But typically, when people meet, they are meeting for the first time, I believe. 
One thing I am noticing is that, well first of all, I am an introvert. I took one of those personality test things and it pointed out that I am the opposite of an extrovert. I do not ex. I in. When I type, I can just say things. Say all the things in my head and not worry much about it. Huh. I bet it's nice for some people to know how things work in my head. Because in the previous paragraph, it shows my exact thoughts whenever I say things. While aloud, I say "Nice to meet you." In my head, all those things will be going on. Calculating a way to be exact and literal. You get to see into the head of an introvert with social anxiety. You special snowflake. Oh that's rude. Is it rude? AHh. I don't want to come off as rude. AH. JESS. CALM DOWN. Okay. Um.
Okay well that's enough of an intro, I think. Nice to write for the first time on this blog. Doubt anyone will really read it. I'll link it to facebook maybe once and then never again. OKay. That's it now. Bye.


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