My Laptop Makes Me Sad

I have a laptop. One that I've had for roughly four to five years.
And it is absolutely suckish. I need a new one. 
I just had it get 'fixed' and I don't even know how 'fixed' it became because 1 hour after using it after I got it back, the charger broke. Now I cannot even use the laptop. 
This. Sucks. 

Like, I just want a computer to use in my own bed at any time of day, you know? 
I currently have to use my dad's computer, which is located downstairs. It's not bad. Much newer than mine. He used to have this really cheap one, and he got fed up with it and bought a brand spanking new one that he barely knows how to work. Seriously, I am constantly being called to help my parents figure out how to work this thing. You should've been there the first week we got the thing. No one but me knew how to work it. 
Their problem is that they don't explore the computer. How are you supposed to learn how the thing works if you don't mess around and figure out which buttons do what. I say that is the best method of learning. 

Anyway, I'm going to have to tell my dad that I need a new charger for my laptop (even though a number of months ago, we just bought a new one, after the original one gave out. The charger now, literally broke. I don't know exactly how, and I don't know any actual terms of these devices, so this will be hard to explain. I think that the part that you plug into the computer broke. It doesn't fit in the hole thing anymore. Even when a few minutes beforehand, it worked just fine.

I cannot tell you how much this made me want to cry. After about a week, I got my computer back just so it could freaking break. Again.

It sucks. 
I need a new one. 
I feel like the current one will ultimately be a lost cause. 


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