MOVIE NOVEMBER: The First Installment of Probably a Few

Hello. So as you may or may not be aware, November is basically the prime time for new movie releases this year. First to be checked off the list was Thor 2. 

Thor 2, no spoilers, was seriously amazing. If you liked the first Thor movie, you will absolutely LOVE this one. I loved the sequel so much more than the first movie. It is so much better. An' lemme tell you. I am in love with the dynamic between Loki and Thor. They behave like actual brothers, and it is just so endearing. (please note that I do not ship Thorki. I know they're not technically brothers, but still, no. Also, they're nice together, but not that nice). 
I went to see this movie with the now titled 'New Movie Crew', involving myself, Bailey, and Roxanne. It was much fun. Roxanne has a really cool mini-van. The doors open up by themselves, and when it does, the roof of the car lights up so you're not stumbling in the dark. It is so pristine and just so nice. 
We payed for our tickets and everything and you know what? They didn't even check for our ticket. We could have just snuck in. So, note to self: When going to the theater, check if anyone is manning the ticket-checking-thing. If yes: buy the ticket. If no: don't even bother. Cheat the system when you can.
We went to the marked theater, and it was packed. And this made me really happy, because I rarely ever go to the movies and when I do, I usually go reallllly late. So it was exciting for me to sit among many other Marvel fans on the night the movie released to the general public. 
Watching the movie trailers, Bailey and I shared a fangasm (that is such a stupid word) upon viewing the new Captain America movie trailer. Just an FYI: Captain America is my favorite Avenger...

After the movie ended, we took a picture by this large Thor poster thing.

After this picture was taken, we took more pictures in a photobooth, which I do not currently have possession of. Sorry. I will add it if I can though, when I do get hold of it. 
And this is just about it!
Thanks for reading.

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