All You Gotta Do Is Dream (the one with the inspirational movie)

Hello. So typically, I do not receive dreams. But you know what new thing is happening to me? I've been getting dreams! But they are so weird. I guess that's an okay thing. But I just woke up from nap, where in the dream, I starred in an extremely inspirational movie where I was curling my hair perfectly while on the phone with someone, saying inspirational words that I don't remember, and then out of frustration of getting my hair perfectly curled, and the constant burning of hair, I started burning post-it notes with my hair curler. Only it wouldn't burn. It would just appear wet, with the ink on it blend a little. And then on the clouds (because it has been very cloudy this week) was a large projection of the TARDIS and everyone in town hailed it. And that was the end of that dream.
Interesting. I know.
I suddenly have an urge to study up on the psychology of dreams. I think I will proceed in doing just that.

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