Flannel is Not for 90° Weather

Hello. Holy crap today was freaking HOT! 
I genuinely believed that the weather was beginning to get cooler. Nope. In retrospect, it is still technically summer, so I should not have anticipated fall weather just yet. 
Today, I wore a long sleeved button down blue flannel shirt. I left it unbuttoned, showing a navy blue tank top underneath. Along with this, I wore regular dark washed denim jeans, and plain back shoes. In this outfit, I do not doubt that I looked like some person who spends a lot of time in the streets, and cannot afford fitting clothing. I did not mention that my shirt, although it was the smallest size, was still big on me. Hrumph. 

Yeah, so long sleeved shirt + hot weather = sad face. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter. So I'm going to go ahead and wear the lightest clothing I own, and am willing to wear. 

I should also bring my own fan, while I'm at it. I have a battery powered fan from Disney. Maybe, if I can get batteries somewhere, I can use that around.
It is a plan.

I need to find a new adjective to describe things, because I am using 'awesome' way too much. Not awesome. I'd use adnosome, but it doesn't quite fit in entirely awesome scenarios. What if something is just awesome, and not abnormal. And what if it's just abnormal? I cannot use the word 'abnormal' casually.
"I just ate some baby chicks. Raw."
It just doesn't have that zest I'm looking for. 
I'd ask for suggestions, but I do not tell anyone of this blog, so I'm doubtful anyone will comment. Unless some person has stumbled across this place, then hey there! Leave a comment on what adjective you think I should use. One that is not "awesome" or "abnormal"


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