I Am In Love

Hello. Yeah, I am so in love....
With Marvel movies. Haha yeah, you, reader, thought I was in actual in love with another human being? Please. Like that's going to happen anytime in the near future.

Anyway, earlier this month, Captain America: The Winter Soldier was released. I watched it twice already now. I just... I really love it. Why?
1) Actors/Actress: Chris Evans? Scarlett Johansson? Sebastian Stan? And let's not forget Anthony Mackie. C'mon guys.
2) THE MUSIC: UUgghhhhh the music is SO. GOOD. Just listen to this one track with headphones on. It has that psychological trance-thrilling feel to it, with that touch of eeriness that give it that awesome flavor. I love this track. It's so great. I just really love songs that you are able to feel when you listen to it. This is one of those songs, I just amp up, and let it consume me.
3) Special Effects: One word: Beautiful.
4) Story: Superb. Oh man, the Winter Soldier. Almost heartbreaking.

So yeah, it was a fantastic movie, that was good enough to make it watch a second time in theaters. 1st time I went with Rosa, and then a second time a week later with Amy.
Listening to the soundtrack time and time again, I begin to think... the other Marvel movies recently released must be just as beautiful too, huh? I have a copy of Iron Man 3. I just rewatched it, and oh boy, it is definitely beautiful. I really like the songs 'Dive Bombers' and 'New Beginnings'. I'm sure you won't have much trouble hunting down those songs.

My plan for this week, is to dedicate my time once again to watch all of the movies in chronological order, or, well, release order. So that would be, Iron Man, Iron Man 2, Thor, Captain America, Avengers, Iron Man 3, Thor 2: The Dark World, and lastly Captain America: The Winter Soldier. I'm going to do some spot on math right now... after school, I have approx. 9 hours before it's a good time to go to bed. I'll spend that time watching Iron Man 1&2, and then dedicate the rest of my time listening to the soundtracks ( I love them movie soundtracks). That'll be tomorrow. Tuesday will be all about Thor. Wednesday, Captain America & Avengers. Thursday, I'll rewatch Iron Man 3, and Friday I'll see Winter Soldier for the third time. I don't think this time I'll go to the theaters though. 
Also on Friday, I believe the new Spooder-Man movie is released. Sadly, I don't have any money to buy a ticket to see it right away. I'll have to wait until it's been out 2 weekends so I can use my free movie ticket. I lost all my money when I went to the theaters again on Saturday. 

In addition to the movies, I have also been watching the Marvel tv show, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and lemme tell ya, I already have a ship. I feel like I'm pretty good at predicting where a love subplot is going to develop, and I see it between Agent Ward and Sky. Skye? I feel like Skye should be how it's spelled. I guess I'll look it up now... yep I was correct. Skye. 
Because of crappy internet, I haven't been able to invest my time into marathoning as I am capable of doing. The stupid thing keeps buffering every 3 minutes, and it's hecka annoying. 

So yep. I love Marvel. 
I hope Stan Lee lives forever. 

Thanks for reading.

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