What Is This 2014 Weather

Hello. Um... can anyone tell me what's up with this crazy weather that's been going on so far this year? Mother Nature seems to have a liking towards snow. January-March was insane snow all the time, and the absolute coldest temperatures recorded in North America. THE NIAGARA FALLS FROZE. How does a giant mass of water such as the great lakes, and the Niagara Falls freeze? Also, it SNOWED in Egypt. The Great Pyramids of Giza were blanketed in snow. Ridiculous. Meanwhile in Australia, the weather's so hot, your flip flops could melt off your feet. Literally.
Spring has finally come a while ago, and you know how many times it has snowed since? I believe twice. Last week was so nice and warm, I thought this snow nonsense was behind us. NOPE. I don't know what's up, what's down. Can't tell my left and right apart. It's just a grand spankin' mess.

Thanks for reading. Just thought I'd record this crazy weather.

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