Hello. So, in school, I may have mentioned my Art History class? I'm not sure. But, yeah, I love this class. Mr. Johnson is seriously the coolest. I'm going to be very sad when he isn't my teacher next year.
As described by my classmate, Joshua, "This is my chill class."
We can just hang out, and learn about art, and talk about a bunch of things that we wouldn't normally talk about.
He even as a love seat in the classroom, although it's usually occupied by one person, Abigail. I got it once, and nearly fell asleep on it, when Mr. Johnson said 'Awe is Jess asleep?". Yeah, my half-asleep self heard that, and it took a second to process, but then I realized that my name was said, and I jolted up yelling, "NO."
Recently, my teacher ranted on how skittles don't taste like 'cherry' or 'grape' or whatever The red ones taste red, the purple ones taste purple. They literally taste like a color. Which I can see where he's coming from....
Anyway, today this was brought up again, that skittles taste like color, and so I was like "Okay, so if you were to eat one blindfolded, you'd be able to tell us what color it was?"
And I guess that sparked a little idea bubble in his head, and was like, "Okay, so next Thursday we have our quarterly, and on Friday we have nothing to do. Instead of doing something that pertained to the curriculum like I had planned, let's do this: we have a blind folded taste testing thing!" Everyone was down with this idea. So yep. I am excited for next Friday.
Anything else I'd like to share? Hmm...
- Classmate Sarah likes to do her Pre-Calc homework in the class and was like "what even is a cosine?" And so Mr. Johnson replied something along the lines of "it's the sine's assistant. Sort of like a co-pilot? Co-sine. Yep. I should be a math teacher."
- Sarah also likes to shoot rubber bands at the projected art.
- Mr. J also sometimes brings in food for us, such as cookies, cake, cupcakes... all the good, delicious stuff.
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- Johnson was voted 'worst teacher' which I find hard to believe. He's really awesome. Sarah claims it's because he hasn't brought in cookies for us lately. That's where he's losing those points.