Hello. It is Sunday, March 9th, and my dear friend, Bailey, invited me out to go bike riding! I agreed, and she came by my house with her brother, RJ. My bike was still at Amy's place from GISHWHES, so we had to go over to her place to get my bike. Bailey insisted of taking the long way to avoid the youths a few houses from my house. While walking there, I showed off my Schmidt-style parkour, and ended up slipping and falling in mud, which was both funny and a little uncomfortable.
We got to Amy's place, and it turns out that Amy had a little party going on at her place. Tyler Nappi, Ginger Justin, Rosa, and Amy were all hanging out there. We were nearing her house, and I hear Amy yelling "FRIENDS!!" I look up, and see her with the aforementioned people looking out from her bedroom window. Almost everyone rushed downstairs and outside to greet us. Amy assisted me on getting my bike, and it was nice being reunited with that thing. There was a yellow feather from the wooster suit Vicki and I made for Bailey for GISHWHES, so that was a nice reminder of that fantastic Tuesday.
Sadly, my tires were totally flat. Bailey, RJ and I soon departed after I got my bike, and Amy and Rosa and the others bade us farewell. The three of us headed to I think Bailey's mom's house or something... it's like Bailey has 3 houses, it's hard to keep track on what's happening... did her mom move to a different house? IDK... to get my tires pumped. It's really difficult riding a bike with flat tires, I should mention. So laborious. My thighs could barely handle it. We finally got there, and the deed was done, my tires were pumped. It was so much faster and easier to ride, my thighs were grateful.
Under request of RJ, we headed over to a store called QuickChek. It didn't take long to get there. When we got off our bikes, we realized how cold it was outside when we noticed that our legs were practically numb from the cold. At QC, RJ was kind enough to buy our little group drinks, I got lemonade, Bailey coke, RJ... some sort of tea thing. We also got the Booty. RJ payed for the things, and we headed outside to devour our Booty.
Bailey and the Booty. |
That Booty was so delicious. For ten minutes, the three of us were just by the entrance eating the Booty, making a billion and three booty jokes. When we finished eating, it was time to go home.
Again, we took a longer route to my house because Bailey was not willing to encounter the youths by my house. Passing by Marianna's house, we shouted for her attention, and she may or may not have noticed us. We also went by Amy's house again, and in response to our yelling, they shouted "HI!" back to us. It's really nice living in a neighborhood where my friends are nearby. It's upsetting that Rosa and Vicki live so far away from the four of us.
We neared the area where I slipped and fell in the mud, and you could tell where the accident happened, which was funny.
When we got to my house, we noticed that the youths were no longer outside, and we took the long way for nothing. Oh well. I still had a great time. It was basically a trip to QuickChek.
Thanks for reading.