Books Books Books

Hello. I recently changed the style of my blog, and unless you guys enjoy looking at the painting 'Portrait of a Seated Man Rising From His Chair' by Rambrant, I figure I should post pictures with every blog update I make now. Wow! More pictures of me!! 

Anyway, I recently finished reading the book 'Insurgent' by Veronica Roth, and I was given the 3rd book of the series to borrow and read. Although I would like to read this book, I need a bit of a brain cleanser. Before I get deep into it, I'll be reading the first Harry Potter book, because I'm lame, and haven't done so already. 
I wasn't a big reader when I was younger, so I was behind on what every other kid was into. But, hey, better late than never, right? Yep. 
So, tonight, May 28th, 2014, I will begin reading that. It's pretty teeny-tiny. I don't doubt that it won't take more than 2-3 nights to finish. I just wanna say that I've read at least one book. Plus, I can watch the corresponding movie afterwards.
Once I finish Harry Potter, I'll begin getting into Allegiant. I've already started it.
And then, after I finish that book, I look to start Fellowship of the Ring over because I never finished it over the summer, when I borrowed it from the library. I bought my own copy during Black Friday (well, the day after Black Friday). So, I can take my own leisurely time reading it. Woop woop!

Also, a thing about me owning my own books. I'm the type of person who enjoys writing my own little notes in the margins and things. I just... it helps me comprehend what's going on in the book, and helps keep my mind strait. It could be considered defacing a book, but hey, it's my book. I bought it, I can do what I want with it. And it's my way of showing that the book has definitely been read and loved. A book whose binding has begun to fall apart is a book loved. Yes, a clean book feels very special, but I dunno... 

Welp, thank you for reading!

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