Hello! A continuation of my tales of my summer vacation. The last day was Jona's last full day spent in California with Allyza and I.  In the morning, Jona's family all ate breakfast, and then they were off. She exchanged hugs with Allyza, and I told her that I'd see her at Sid's birthday party, being held in a few weeks from then back in New Jersey. 
After they had left, the party left went out to eat lunch at some Chinese-ish restaurant. It wasn't Chinese food, but I can't remember what it was. 
It was August 1st, and Guardians of the Galaxy has premiered just that day. AJ and I shared our desire to go watch it, and Allyza was in a movie mood. While at the restaurant, I asked my dad if we could go to the movies, and he agreed! Allyza looked up some movie times, and it was a done deal. My sister got a text from Joe, and he claimed that he sad Nick Jonas. We were very skeptical, although... it was the LAX... it wasn't entirely impossible. We looked up if Nick Jonas had any shows going on in New Jersey, and nothing with Nick showed up, however, Kevin Jonas's name did pop up a bit the results. We settled with figuring that Joe was lying, because that reasoning wasn't against his character. Later that day, we did find out from Jona, a more trust worthy source, that they didn't see Nick Jonas. It was Kevin Jonas. Allyza and I fangirled for Jona's luck. 
After we finished eating, my sister, Allyza, AJ and I went to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, and ah it was amazing. Peter's origin story was kinda strange. His mother dies (I almost cried) and he gets abducted by aliens. Okay. Overall,  thought that the soundtrack was amazing. Heck yeah, 70's music! I'm kind of glad that Gamora and Peter didn't get together. That'd be cliche. Like of COURSE they'd get together. It's so typical that romance would be a subplot of the movie. THank goodness though that that wasn't the case for this movie. My favorite character of the movie was, hands down, Groot. I love that tree. My heat melts for the tree. 
So essentially, the movie was about a bunch of a-holes getting together, and they save the world with the power of friendship, and a dance competition. Seriously, it's a great movie. I'm excited to see what's in store for the future with this gang. 

Back at Allyza's house, me and her were just lounging in her bedroom, doing our own things, when we notice a fly. Oh, it was so funny. I tried to kill the beast. I tried throwing a pillow at it, missed, while Allyza held my sister's Shamu stuffed animal, waving it around, trying it hit it. My sister came in, hearing the ruckus, and made Allyza saying that that fly was 'juicy' and using her Shamu is not cool. I used my usual tactic, I opened her window blinds, enticing the fly towards the light. When it went to the window, I tried to shut the blinds as quickly as possible (although it kept getting stuck open), and then I SMASHED THE BLINDS WITH THE PILLOW. I did manage to get it, and you could tell because there was a LARGE shadow cast from the guts of the fly stuck to the blinds. Bleh. "See, I told you it was juicy! And you tried to use Shamu?" 
We just left the guts there. Just pretended that it didn't happen.
Later that night, on TV, there was a guy who taught how to efficiently kill a household fly. "Utilize the hold... and flick."

And that ends day 5! The time in California is winding down.
Thanks for reading!

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