Archive for September 2014

Writing is... hard.

Hello. Just a fun fact for ya! Writing stories are not easy. This is really a secret project, but I'm gonna write about it here anyway because I know none of the people I'm hiding it from read or even know about the existence of the blog. BUT if you happen to go by the names of either Vicki, Bailey, or Marianna... don't read this.

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SEATTLE! - Days 6 & 7

Hello. Continuing the saga of my summer vacation...
It was the last day at Allyza's house. After eating breakfast, my family said our goodbyes to Allyza's family, and went on our way.
With some time to kill before having to go to the airport to fly to our next destination, we vistited LACMA, the LA County Museum of Art under my sister's suggestion. It was pretty cool. We got to see that street light thing. Before, I didn't understand what the point of having all these streetlights all together like they are, but thanks to a plaque, I learned that it's supposed to be 'art' and the streetlights are from decades ago. 
Honestly, I like the Met much better. There were some art pieces that I wanted to know about that didn't even have labels or whatever on it or anything. I found that annoying. I tested, once again, my art history skills by trying to guess the time periods of art, and found that I'm not rusty quite yet. :) 
After that brief shindig, it was time to go to the airport and go to Seattle!
The flight was only 2 hours long. This is when I realized that however many days it'd take to drive somewhere, you can get there in that many hours by plane. So, while it'd take 2 days to drive from California to Washington, it only took 2 days by plane. Super neato. 
One thing I noticed about this new area is that 1) it's very green and 2) there are a lot of hills. I would not enjoy driving here. It'd be wayy too scary. I mean, driving on flat land is bad enough. Then I'd have to take into account the speed of the car rolling down a hill? Heck naw. 
Also, on the day that I went to Seattle was the day GISHWHES 2014 started. My friends must have been busy scavenging while I listened to my parents talk to family in a language I don't understand. Not that fun, for me, honestly. 
I learned that there was an event for GISHWHES in Seattle the next day. Misha would be there. And I really wanted to go. Unfortunately, the day and time it was happening, I was trapped at church, after worship services, with the same deal. I was standing around alone listening to my family talk to strangers in a language I don't understand. The amount of frustration and sadness I went through at that time. I could have met my idol, the person I look up to, my rolemodel... I could have met Misha Collins in the flesh... but couldn't. I am seriously still upset about this. One day I will meet Misha Collins. On my bucket list is to hug Misha. It will happen. It. Will. 
Instead of meeting Misha, my grandparents, after the extended hours of talking to others, took my family around town. At this point in time, I was feeling a terrible wave of home sickness. When I was with my friends in Cali, I was fine! My friends made me feel at home. Where I was then, with family who scarcely spoke English... the last thing I felt was at home. While we were at this seafood restaurant (mind you, I barely even like seafood) tears actually started to roll down my face. Since I managed to keep quiet, when my family noticed, they just assumed my allergies were acting up. Thank goodness for my history of having bad allergy attacks, otherwise I would have had to explain to them why I was sad, and that would have made me even more uncomfortable and probably explode into tears. 
After eating, we drove around more. It was exhausting sitting in a car for an extended period of time, listening to foreign words. I was sitting in the back between my sister and mother. I eventually lolled to sleep, awkwardly tilting my head onto my shoulder, trying to stay within my own personal space. By the end of my stay in Seattle, I grew a hatred towards sitting in the middle. It's the worst.
By the time I woke up, we were... looking... at... a college...???? A MeDiCaL COLlege???? Umm. Why?????????? I was in a very bad mood by the time I was forced to leave the car and take pictures by it. Seriously, what kind of 'tourist attraction' is this? A sucky one. 
THEN they took us to the Space Needle. That was actually pretty cool. Not at all as cool as the Stratosphere in Las Vegas, but cool enough. There weren't any rides that dangled you from the top of the tower. 
At the gift shop there, I bought a key chain with my name on it. My grandma encouraged me to get some for my friends at home, and given that I have 5 close friends, I at first declined. Then they told me to just choose 'a special friend', so I chose Amy. 8 years of friendship and 10 years of knowing each other should constitute the title of special friend. I looked for one that said 'Rosa' since she was also one of my closer friends, but alas, they didn't have her name. I took note to get something else for her at some other point in the trip. Along with the keychain, I also got a painting to decorate my room with. 

After that, I was driven to my grandparents' house for dinner. More sitting through the now annoying talk of my parents and grandparents in Tagalog. I would always end up stuck sitting at that table listening for what felt like hours. I knew it's rude to just get up and walk away, and rude to ask if I could leave, so I started playing a game with myself. When I finished eating, I would s l o w l y  inch my chair away from the table. See how far I could get away from it until someone noticed. When I was far enough, one of my parents would notice and dismiss me from the table. Full of relief, I'd flop down on the couch and sleep until it was time to leave.
When we finally would be dropped off at our hotel or motel or whatever, I volunteered to shower first. When I got into the bathroom alone, that's when I allowed myself to break down and be engulfed in the homesickness. I kept my cries of anguish to a low whisper. While showering I came up with a playlist of songs (never actually compiling together for listening). It included songs like Take Me Home Tonight by Eddie Money, Don't Stand So Close To Me by the Police, Let Me Go Home by Michael Buble, Misery by Maroon 5 and more. 

That concludes days six and seven. Thanks for reading. 

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Hello! A continuation of my tales of my summer vacation. The last day was Jona's last full day spent in California with Allyza and I.  In the morning, Jona's family all ate breakfast, and then they were off. She exchanged hugs with Allyza, and I told her that I'd see her at Sid's birthday party, being held in a few weeks from then back in New Jersey. 
After they had left, the party left went out to eat lunch at some Chinese-ish restaurant. It wasn't Chinese food, but I can't remember what it was. 
It was August 1st, and Guardians of the Galaxy has premiered just that day. AJ and I shared our desire to go watch it, and Allyza was in a movie mood. While at the restaurant, I asked my dad if we could go to the movies, and he agreed! Allyza looked up some movie times, and it was a done deal. My sister got a text from Joe, and he claimed that he sad Nick Jonas. We were very skeptical, although... it was the LAX... it wasn't entirely impossible. We looked up if Nick Jonas had any shows going on in New Jersey, and nothing with Nick showed up, however, Kevin Jonas's name did pop up a bit the results. We settled with figuring that Joe was lying, because that reasoning wasn't against his character. Later that day, we did find out from Jona, a more trust worthy source, that they didn't see Nick Jonas. It was Kevin Jonas. Allyza and I fangirled for Jona's luck. 
After we finished eating, my sister, Allyza, AJ and I went to watch Guardians of the Galaxy, and ah it was amazing. Peter's origin story was kinda strange. His mother dies (I almost cried) and he gets abducted by aliens. Okay. Overall,  thought that the soundtrack was amazing. Heck yeah, 70's music! I'm kind of glad that Gamora and Peter didn't get together. That'd be cliche. Like of COURSE they'd get together. It's so typical that romance would be a subplot of the movie. THank goodness though that that wasn't the case for this movie. My favorite character of the movie was, hands down, Groot. I love that tree. My heat melts for the tree. 
So essentially, the movie was about a bunch of a-holes getting together, and they save the world with the power of friendship, and a dance competition. Seriously, it's a great movie. I'm excited to see what's in store for the future with this gang. 

Back at Allyza's house, me and her were just lounging in her bedroom, doing our own things, when we notice a fly. Oh, it was so funny. I tried to kill the beast. I tried throwing a pillow at it, missed, while Allyza held my sister's Shamu stuffed animal, waving it around, trying it hit it. My sister came in, hearing the ruckus, and made Allyza saying that that fly was 'juicy' and using her Shamu is not cool. I used my usual tactic, I opened her window blinds, enticing the fly towards the light. When it went to the window, I tried to shut the blinds as quickly as possible (although it kept getting stuck open), and then I SMASHED THE BLINDS WITH THE PILLOW. I did manage to get it, and you could tell because there was a LARGE shadow cast from the guts of the fly stuck to the blinds. Bleh. "See, I told you it was juicy! And you tried to use Shamu?" 
We just left the guts there. Just pretended that it didn't happen.
Later that night, on TV, there was a guy who taught how to efficiently kill a household fly. "Utilize the hold... and flick."

And that ends day 5! The time in California is winding down.
Thanks for reading!

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Another Summer Simmers Down

Hello. An intermission from my story-telling of my outrageous summer vacation trip to announce that school is back in session tomorrow! I will now go over my summer resolutions, and how I've done with them, as well as some other things.

1. Keep my room as clean as possible. Uhhmmm.... yeah this was difficult. Even after the whole redecorating of my room. I thought it'd be difficult to make my room messy with my new queen sized bed taking up most of the floor space, but lo and behold, mess can still be made. I'm still working on cleaning my room fragments at a time.
2. Read more!!! Hm, well I only got to reading my summer read books. I haven't gotten much a chance to do pleasure reading this summer, besides fanfiction... heh. I definitely did read a hefty amount of fanfics. Not entirely want I originally meant when I made this resolutions but... I'll take it.
3. Use less computer time. Oh, well... yeah this didn't happen.
4. Drink more water! Oh geez, I am just a bundle of disappointments.

Okay, so didn't really accomplish much of what I wanted to do when this summer began, bu that's okay. I still think of this summer to be one of the greatest. I was able to visit six different states in roughly two weeks! I've been in New Jersey (of course), California, Nevada, wherever the Grand Canyon is, Washington state, and Virginia. I've gotten to spend much of my time reuniting with friends and family. I feel like I've gotten closer to my sister, who I previously wasn't too fond of.
In addition, I got a new iPhone. I got the iPhone 5S, which is pretty neato. Since I've gotten it, I stopped using my iPod. Not using up all the data is worrying me though. Hopefully I don't go overboard. This is my first time having a smartphone. 
Also, the summer read book I've had to read, The Jungle by Upton Sinclair and Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser has truly changed my perspective on things. 
I've made an agreement with my friends that if I eat fast food, I have to do some punishments. Already, I have to endure three. The first two I've finished. 12 hours without internet, and the reading aloud a fanfic of my NoTP (Mycroft and Sherlock. BLEHHH.) Here's a picture of me reading the horror.


The one I have yet to do is listen to Rebecca Black's Friday on repeat for 24 hours, not including sleeping time. I think I'll start this after school on Friday. 

So yeah, Fast Food Nation has ruined fast food for me, and I do not want to be eating all those LIES anymore. 

Also over this summer, I've gotten to spend some good times with my friends! I'm so happy that GISHWHES brought all of us together last summer. Seriously, I would not be as happy as I am right now if it weren't for them. They supply my daily need of social interaction. Everyday we chat together on facebook, and some days we get to all hang out together! Lemme recount... we went to Rosa's Sweet Sixteen (which I didn't write about, sorry Rosa), and then we spent the 4th of July together. We played True American, the best game ever. I surprised everyone with the Nerd Herd Olympics. Some of us worked on our summer math packet together. Also, almost all of us played Cards Against Humanity Charades for hours one day. Last night, Bailey and I had just plotted some great video ideas for Shows Before Bros! It was a good summer for the Nerd Herd, however, I do sort of wish we spent more time together in person. We're close... but not entirely close. Since most of us are starting to drive, I think it'll be very possible that we may be able to hang out more this upcoming school year, because not having a ride was a constant issue. Now we could probably find a hang out area, sort of like in FRIENDS, or How I Met Your Mother, or That 70's Show. I think it'd be fab if we were able to have a 'usual hangout'. Right now, it's sorta Bailey's dad's house.

So... that is an overview of my summer!
Thank you for reading.

Check out my dear friend's blog here!

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