Archive for October 2013

Monty Python And The Holy Grail is the Best Movie To Ever Exist

Hello. October is coming to an end. Much sad.
So, anyway, my good friends, Amy and Rosa came over my house and we hung out.
Rosa was in the cute wolf costume and Amy was Cecil-ized. She had sharpie tattoos, it was so cool looking, man. I was just dressed in my pjs... ANYWAY!
We started off listening to many musics. We also videoed our listening of music. It's very obvious that we are teenagers. Like, how teens act? That is seriously how we come off as. It's so weird. Because you think, "No, that's not me." But then... it is you. Everyone always thinks they're the 1% but I can assure you 99% of the time they are not. 
After that fun nonsense, we got to watching a movie. My all time favorite movie. It is Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The next school play, I believe is Spamalot, which I think is based off of this wonderful, wonderful film. Like seriously, it is my favorite movie. Of all the movies I have watched, this is definitely my favorite. Seriously. In dedication to me, watch this movie
While watching this, we all agreed that it is vital that we all audition for the Spamalot play. I am so pumped. I really hope I get a part. I really want to be a part of this. Really.
After finishing the movie, my friends departed.
Today was just a fun time with friends. I was very happy to hang out with Rosa and Amy again. This needs to happen more often. And we plan on it to happen more often.
Thanks for reading.

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Some Sweet Sixteens

Hello. This week I have attended in total two parties. I don't typically go to parties. I think this year I have only attended four. Not complaining.

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All You Gotta Do Is Dream (the one with the inspirational movie)

Hello. So typically, I do not receive dreams. But you know what new thing is happening to me? I've been getting dreams! But they are so weird. I guess that's an okay thing. But I just woke up from nap, where in the dream, I starred in an extremely inspirational movie where I was curling my hair perfectly while on the phone with someone, saying inspirational words that I don't remember, and then out of frustration of getting my hair perfectly curled, and the constant burning of hair, I started burning post-it notes with my hair curler. Only it wouldn't burn. It would just appear wet, with the ink on it blend a little. And then on the clouds (because it has been very cloudy this week) was a large projection of the TARDIS and everyone in town hailed it. And that was the end of that dream.
Interesting. I know.
I suddenly have an urge to study up on the psychology of dreams. I think I will proceed in doing just that.

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It Is Too Freaking Cloudy

HELLO. For the longest time, it has been all cloudy and rainy. What is up with that. This is the fall. This is not the time for cloudy rainy-ness. It is the time for light breezes and a whole boat-load of crunchy leaves to annihilate. This rain is not enjoyable.
I'd make this longer, but yeah, no. I will just leave it at that.
- Jess

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It Was An Okay Week

HELLO. So this week was not bad. I will summarize for all of your pretty faces.

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