Hello! I haven't written here for a while now, huh? It's almost been TWO MONTHS. THE BLASPHEMY. That aside, hello! How've you been? That's great. Glad to hear. Now rather than relaying with you what's been up with my life, I have some PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHTS to share. Are you ready for it? 

Okay, so I've noticed myself saying something like "I wanna go home" even when I'm already in my house. It's kinda weird. But when I think more deeply about it, I remember that a home is different from a house. And although I'm in my house- say in my living room with a bunch of people that I'm not really close to, like my parents' friends- I would say feel inclined to say "I wanna go home".
For me, home isn't just my house. It's a bit more specific than that. Home is alone in my bedroom, snuggled in a blanket in the dent of my mattress with my laptop. That's were I feel comfortable, safe, and time flies when I'm home.
That's my home. 
Whenever I "want to go home" it's more than getting to my house, it's getting to that state of comfort and security. I'm not home until I'm in bed with my laptop. 

That said, I'd like to ask whoever might be reading where their 'home' is. Lemme know.

Thanks for reading!

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