Archive for November 2014

School Tag? Academic Tag? I dunno.

Hello! Okay, so on one of my best friend's blog she did this tag thing, which seemed interesting so I'm gonna answer the questions myself! Whoo hoooo. Bandwagons!

1. Are you an artsy or sciencey person?
I would have to call myself more of an art lover than science. Like, yeah, science is everything, but art, man!

2. What’s your favorite study snack?
Nothing. I seriously cannot eat and study at the same time. Eating and working have to be two different events. 

3. Do you have any revision rituals (outfits, playlists, breaks)?
I basically work hard-core for a long while, and then when the stress starts getting to me, I switch out of the google docs tab that I'm working on, and then scroll through tumblr or watch a youtube video or something. While working, I do like to have some background noise, so music is a nice thing to have. 

4. What degree/college course are you taking/aspiring towards?
At the moment, I really like Art History. 

5. Does listening to music help or hinder your studying?
Yaassss. Music helps. It keeps my mind sane. I usually listen to alternative rock or 80s music. I have a couple playlists on Spotify that I listen through. It's fun working, and then relieving some of the stress by intensely singing along to Want You Back by the Jackson 5. (OOOH BABY GIVE ME ONE MORE CHAANNCCEEE.) 

6. Do you prefer to study alone or with friends?  
ALONE! It's the only way I'll keep focus. When I'm with friends, we tend to get off task, and end up not doing much studying at all. But hey, at least we had fun not studying?

7. What academic achievement are you most proud of?
Humm... Managing to get a B in Spanish 2 Honors. That class was awful. I hated it so much, and my teacher gave me anxiety, so the fact I've managed to avoid a C amazes me. 

8. What’s your favorite subject?
Art History! Well, I'm not taking that class anymore, and since it's an unpopular subject, there are no other art history classes. Out of the ones I'm learning now? I'd say just regular history. 

9. Is there a subject that you regret taking/not taking?
In freshman year, I took a 'computer graphics and design' class, assuming it'd be like creating logos or something. Nope. It was designing tools on computers. BOOORRRINNG. My little anxious self didn't have the courage to go to guidance and switch out, so every morning of my freshman year started out in misery. Like, I was the only female, and all the boys sat together, conversing, while I sat alone, at my own table. Alone. Awful. 

10. Who/what inspires you?
Good question. Who inspires me academically? Well, I know to get through AP English, I have Kevin Tran from Supernatural inspiring me, "Kevin never got to finish his AP classes, so I have to do this in his honor".  

11. Do you have any study tips that you swear by?
Do what works for you, I guess. Flashcards are my best friends.

12. What is your dream college?
Hahahaha, uhh. Why don't you ask me when I'm in college. It'd probably be that college. (Yeah I'm honestly not even considering what colleges I want to go to right now. I'm more of a 'live in the now. College is a future-Jess problem'.)

13. How many hours do you study a week?
I never really keep track... It depends on if there are any tests or anything. Just however long it takes to review all the info once or twice.

14. What do you use to reward yourself?
Food. For the last lab report I did, after answering a question, I allowed myself to take a bit of an air-head. It was delicious and effective haha.

15. How do you take notes?
Yes! How else am I going to keep track of the info?

16. What is the one school supply that you can’t do without?
Planner. My life would be lost without it. Plus I'd forget to do a lot of homework assignments if I didn't have it with me. 

17. Do you have something/ someone that keeps you motivated?
My friends. Marianna especially. She gives very good threats if she finds out I'm procrastinating. Also my friend Amy sends me this video sometimes. 

18. When do you study, in the morning or evening?
Evening. I never have time in the morning to do anything that isn't getting dressed, brushing my teeth and getting breakfast. 

19. Where do you like to study?
At my desk in my bedroom. 

20. What is one skill/ talent you have that helps you be a better student?
I know my limits.  

21. What is your dream career?
Honestly? I don't know. Something to do with art history, I guess. There aren't a lot of careers that deals with that, exactly though. 

22. How long does it take you to finish homework every night?
I'm usually only assigned homework in Chemistry, English, and Algebra. Algebra and Chemistry combined doesn't take long. Maybe an hour cumulatively. English, however, is a whole other story. English can take from 2-8 hours to complete. In past year, the questions we were asked in homework could easily be found within the text. In this class, you actually have to use your brain and interpret the work. Questions wouldn't be "What did X say about his classroom experience?" It's more like "How did the teacher's teaching methods affect her students? Is it an effective way of teaching?"
Lots of brain-hurting thinking, man. But, hey, I did sign up for this. Also, I gotta do it for Kevin Tran!

Okay, thanks for reading!

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The Origin Story of The Nerd Herd (My POV)

I was just discussing with my friends, the ones made through GISHWHES last year, how much has changed in such a short period of time. How the six of us, me, Amy, Rosa, Bailey, Vicki, and Marianna started out as a group of barely-know-you acquaintances (save Rosa and Amy) to people who could share a conversation so deep, and intimate (is that the right word? Not in a romance-y way. Just like in a real close, trusting way). It's amazing. And how did we come together? GISHWHES.

If it weren't for that brilliant event, I wouldn't have the friends I have today. I wouldn't be the same person I am today. I would probably still be on the tilting world of depression, severe anxiety, and loneliness. Yeah, I had Amy and Rosa, but at that time, they've spent a lot of time hanging out together without thinking to invite me. So my freshman year of high school consisted a lot of lonely internet browsing. A lot of Netflix, as well.
I was already friends with Amy from elementary school, and Rosa more recently. from the last year of middle school. I've known Bailey vaguely. I've thought of her as 'one of Roxanne's cool friends'. (Because in my head, Roxanne's a lot cooler than me haha). Vicki I've also known vaguely. Haven't really thought much of her. Marianna became acquainted with each other in 8th grade as well, and plus we sat near each other in English for some time, as well as sharing a gym class.
I almost became friends with Bailey in the beginning of freshman year. During one of those ice-breaker things in English class, I said that I loved playing the Sims 3. Bailey, who sat behind me, was like "I love the Sims!" We then had a conversation together, and it was nice. I was honestly still intimidated by how 'cool' she was. I don't know. I was fresh out of middle school, gimme a break. Unfortunately after a few days, our teacher moved some seats, and Bailey ended up being put on the opposite side of the class. So, there goes that opportunity of friendship. Vicki was in that class as well, but as I mentioned before, I didn't pay much attention to her. Sorry Vicki.
Through facebook, though, I've managed to keep tabs from time to time on both mine and Bailey's growth in obsession over fandom things, like Sherlock and SUPERNATURAL. But yeah, the friendship opportunity was missed, so despite that, we didn't really talk much again in person since our seats have been separated. 

Come the summer, I'm scrolling through my tumblr, and am reading about something called 'GISHWHES'. Curiosity grows, and I check out the website. It seemed really cool, and asked Rosa and Amy if we should do it. This was about 2 weeks before the sign up time was closed. We decided against signing up for it. Saying "We can do it next year, I don't feel like spending $14, plus I don't know who'd be in our team."
A little less than 2 weeks later, I see myself tagged in this facebook update. 

And basically.... that's how the Nerd Herd first came together? Through Gishwhes and Bailey. Thanks to both. 
A few weeks later, GISHWHES begins. I go to Bailey's mom's old home on Sunday, after coming from from church. Vicki and Bailey are sat together in the backyard, at a patio table. I felt a little awkward. I haven't really talked to these people much in the real life. Especially Vicki, who was practically a stranger. But just the sheer excitement of GISHWHES starting. Watching the countdown for the hunt to begin was just amazing. And when that counter hit 0, if Bailey and Vicki may remember, I screamed and flew backwards with my chair. I was very excited. 
Eventually Marianna came along, and yeah, that first night together was legendary. It's not often that you start a friendship through the vicious mutilation of a stuffed bear. 

One big highlight of that week of GISHWHES was when at last all six of us got together for the first time, squashed ourselves in Bailey's dad's truck, and went over to a baseball stadium in attempt to get everyone to chant 'GISHWHES!!'. It was hilarious when we got there, and it turned out that the game wasn't in NJ, but in Maryland. WHOOPS. On the way back to Bailey's home, with our homemade megaphones, everyone in that truck sang our hearts out to Locked Out Of Heaven by Bruno Mars. The windows were completely rolled down, and we kinda screamed at the strangers we drove past the lyrics of the song. 
After that we walked beside the bay as the sun set, and ended the night with some ice cream. It was really lovely. And eating that ice cream on this red picnic bench at Stewart's... I was just really happy to have all these great people in my life. It was the last day of GISHWHES, and I knew I did not want this thing we all had together to end. 

To this day, more than a year later, we still have the original chat that we used to communicate for that first GISHWHES. It was briefly called 'Team Supernaturalist' to being, for a long while 'Team Pandacat' to finally 'The Nerd Herd'. 
I'm happy that Bailey's dad came up with that name. I really love it. If you read back to my earlier blog entries, I have struggled to come up with a name to call our group of friends. I think I'd typically lean towards calling us a 'gang' or whatever. But now I can say 'the herd' or 'the nerds'. It's a great title that I take pride in.

In addition to how close we are now, starting just recently, we've (well, mostly Rosa) have come up with our own special Nerd Herd holidays. It's based off the actual holidays, but altered so that I'd be able to celebrate it. (My religion is very restricting :P) So we've created the Holla-At-Yo-Ween, Nerdsgiving and New Years Narwhal. 

I honestly wish that I've met these nerds much earlier in my life. With high school ending soon, there's no telling what'll happen to us. Where will we go? I just need to cherish all the days we spend together. I'm so happy that we hang out so much now, I can feel us all getting closer and closer, and it's great. Friendship is so great. Seriously, if these people were not in my life, I know for a fact I would not be as happy about life as I am right now. 

I love these nerds. My friends. 

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Death By Socratic Circles

Hello. So in my AP English class, we have to do these things called Socratic Circles. My class all arrange our desks into a circle, and we basically have a conversation about whatever text we've read most recently read. Now, this sounds pretty dandy. And it would be. Only I have one issue with these circles. We are required to speak up and voice our opinions at LEAST 7 times for an A. Doesn't sound too difficult right? Especially when these circles continue over the course of 2-3 days, yeah? No. Not for me. Not when you have a bad case of social anxiety, and just the mere thought of speaking up terrifies you. I've told my teacher this, briefly, saying "I just get so nervous" and she quickly replied before the circle session began, "Don't be nervous."
That helps me. 

We've completed one of these things so far. The first one, I've managed to speak up 4 times, which, honestly, is a miracle in itself. I got an F for the class grade, but, you know? Better than none. 
The class is currently still working on our second circle, which will end on Monday. One day one, I spoke... none at all. On the second day, I spoke up once, which, in my opinion, is an accomplishment in itself. I fumbled over my words, but I spoke. Like, that' still an utter failure of a grade, but just mustering up the courage to speak once made myself so proud of myself. I will take that F with stride. At least I know for sure I won't be scoring a 0 on this, which I was afraid of. 
I still have one more day to speak up more. I know I'd like to speak up at least 5 times? I kind of doubt I'll be able to do that, but I will honestly, genuinely try. 
Ugh, but the nerves are still so real. I tried to convince myself that it's no big deal. Like, walking to class I gave myself a little pep talk.
Pretend that everyone's talking you. 
Nobody cares if what you say is incorrect.
You're all in this together. 
If you speak up, you can guilt-free play the Sims for hours.
If you don't say anything at all, I FORBID you to eat whatever snack you have until it's lunchtime. 
Speak up. You can do this. Make yourself proud. You got this. 

Well, I'm really hoping that we aren't do so many of these circles. It'll be the death of my academic career if we do so many of these. My teacher has made a point that each one of us are going to be 'facilitators'. I'm not sure how many students are in my class, but there are two facilitators at a time. When the time comes for me to become one I am seriously going to DIE. I don't have any friends in that class! Who's gonna be my partner?? Everyone that I'm moderately acquainted with in that class already has an even closer friend.
The pains of being a junior in a senior class. There are two other juniors in my class, and of course, those two are friends with each other. Ugh.
Why did I think I was capable of taking this class? I should've just taken a regular English class, man. Or Advanced Honors. College credit. Who needs that? Bleh. Ugh. Pain. 

Okay, that's all. I have English homework to work on. Bye. Have a good one.
- Jess

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HELLO. Oh God, I just finished the Supernatural 200th episode special. It was truly very special. It just... yeah it made my fangirl shipping heart SIINNGGG. It was so great. I can't even describe. I had low expectations for this episode tbh. Like, a musical episode? How the hecksville are they gonna pull that off? Oh, they pulled it off. THEY PULLED IT OFF AND FLUNG IT TO THE NEXT DIMENSION, IT WAS SO GOOD. I AM SO HAPPY. THEY ACKNOWLEDGED MY OTP, DESTIEL, AND AHHUUUGHHH. SAM SHIPS IT. HE WAS EVEN COMING UP WITH SHIP NAMES FOR IT. DESTIEL. DEASTIEL. CASTEAN. AHHH AND THEN DEAN GOT ALL FLUSTERED. I MEAN WHEN THEY ALLUDED TO WINCEST, DEAN WAS LIKE "UH YOU KNOW THEY'RE BROTHERS, RIGHT?" BUT THEN WHEN THEY MENTIONED 'CASTEAN' WE GET A "SHUT UP." NO DENIAL THERE. AHHHHH. okay yeah. I just... I just love this so much. Okay, now what I need next is for Dean and Cas to have a scene where they do that thing where they stare at each other longingly, and then Sam just coughs and mentions their ship name. I would freaking LOVE THAT SO MUCH, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. OH GOD, AND WHAT IF CAS IS LIKE "WHAT IS DESTIEL?" and then dean is like "NOPE NOPITY NOPE" but Sam just happily complies and answers his question. OH MY GOD THAT WOULD BE HILARIOUS AND WONDERFUL AT THE SAME TIME UAUAHGUSOFJASF. 
Okay, so I need to calm down. I'm on, like, a Supernatural high right now. I am just so content with life. It doesn't even matter that I still have chem homework to finish. EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD IS JUST SO GREAT. AHHHHHH.


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Four Day Weekend

Hello. It was a pretty wonky week. I had off Sunday, Tuesday (Election Day), Thursday and Friday (Teacher's convention) and Saturday (today). So what did I do on my days off? Well, I'll give you three words. Danisnotonfire and AmazingPhil. 

They are youtubers, and I have been subscribed to them since, like, late 2012? That's when I first discovered them, but, I don't know what happened! Just all of a sudden, I've developed a huge obsession over them! It's very peculiar. It might have been because the two of them started a gaming channel together and opened a shop. With them posting more often together, I just got sucked into the Phan universe, seeking out everything that involves them in it. Preferably together. They're like a packaged deal. You cannot have Dan without Phil, and vice versa. They've lived together, for 2 years, from what I understand, and are best friends. The fact that I know this is kinda creepy, but you know. You watch hours of videos on them over the course of 7 days, you learn a thing or two about the people. I'm not going to get into that, ahhaha. Anyway, if you aren't already, lemme help kick start YOUR love for them via their latest non-gaming video of them together!! PHIL IS NOT ON FIRE 6!

Take care, reader. 

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Hello. On Saturday, November 1st, I went to Marianna's house for a Holla-At-Yo-Ween party. A brief explanation: I don't celebrate Halloween, so my friends and I created our own little holiday that has similar attributes, but not the same thing. It was essentially a costume party in November. All of the Nerd Herd was there, which was fabulous. Some of Marianna's younger brother's friends were there as well. They were 5th graders. And... yeah, their presence added just as much fun as you think it would for a group of 16-17 year olds. 
What was everyone dressed up as? 
Bailey was the Governor from the Walking Dead, Vicki was Pikachu, Marianna was... something Homestuck related, Rosa was a human TARDIS, and Amy was... Roxy from Homestuck I think? I went dressed as Vicki. I curled my hair and everything. I called myself 'Vicki 2.0' and joked that I was 'the upgraded version of Vicki'. Everyone was astounded by the likeness of my outfit. Like, I legit was dressed just as Vicki would. 
As you can see, I am wearing a similar outfit to one she has worn before, and we already have pretty similar glasses. And then a thing not depicted is how she likes to wear beanies. Like, in our True American video, she wears a beanie. I also spent an insane amount of time trying to get outrageous curls. The curler I used was too thick to achieve her tight curls, and yeah, naturally strait asian hair and curls don't tend to last very long. More on that later. One last thing I wanna point out, which, again, isn't shown, is that I have my sleeves rolled up to my elbows. I recall a conversation she and I had about sleeves, and she explained how she just cannot have sleeve down to her wrists. It either has to be rolled up to her elbows, or be able to cover her hands. Otherwise, she is an unhappy duckling. 
Okay, enough about my Vicki outfit. 

At the partay, Vicki and Bailey were already there. Marianna had us do this thing where we had to guess the amount of candy corn in a vase. When guessing, I felt up the vase and just let my hand write whatever three numbers it felt. It wrote 249. 
The four of us talked for a bit when Bailey suggested going on an adventure. She proposed that we walk to her house, which is a lot of blocks away from Marianna's house, and get her Just Dance game for us to play. It was slightly drizzling outside, but we went anyway. I was worried about my hair, and how I didn't want to lose my curls so soon, so I attempted to preserve it by tucking it into my hat.
It was a long, cold walk. Shoes got soaked. Bailey didn't have a jacket. She was freezing and we were, for the most part, not having a fun time. Bailey was really regretting suggesting this adventure. 
While walking, we came across... a goose? Duck? I don't know what that creature was, but it was angry and scary. Luckily, it was behind a fence. There was also an orange kitty with a stubby tail. Bailey pet it, and Marianna carried it. TBH that probably wasn't a good idea. Diseases and stuff, you know? Whatever. 
After maybe 15 minutes of walking we finally make it to Bailey's house. We warmed up there briefly. I got to see Bailey's amazing room. 
When Bailey got the game, we headed back out into the cold outside world. They way back was more enjoyable. We were more excited now that we had a game to look forward to playing. Bailey joked "Imagine we get back, and it turns out the game doesn't work?" HAHA. (That actually ended up happening. But that's OK). 
We filmed some fun things. Vicki was ahead of Bailey, Marianna and I, and so we filmed her while 'Boulevard of Broken Dreams' played in the background. Hilarious. 

We get back to the house, and Amy and Rosa arrive. Then we get Just Dance started. 
Bailey wanted to record us playing the game for our Shows Before Bros channel. Technical difficulties arose... we ended up just watching a prerecorded game we found on Youtube, and followed that. It was very fun. Bailey's still has to edit the video, so I cannot share it with you.
The 5th graders were astounded at the fact that we had a youtube channel. This girl dressed as bacon (Rosa and I called her Bacon throughout the party) and this boy dressed as a vampire were extremely excited about it. It was kinda annoying. No- it was annoying. But no matter. I had fun playing.
During the game, Marianna announced the winner of the candy corn guessing thing. It turned out that I WON! In the vase was 250 candy corns, I put down 249! I was one off! WOW! I won the entire vase of candy corn. I probably won't ever eat it all.

After playing Just Dance, we recorded another video, based on puns. We had the little kids sit out and leave us alone. They still interrupted and bothered us anyway. That video is up now, though! HERE IT IS.

You can see my curls have died a significant amount. That hair tucking thing didn't work all too well. I'd say that those curls survived a good half hour, to be honest. 

After that recording session, I had to go home. 

And that was the Holla-At-Yo-Ween party. It was fun!
Thanks for reading.

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