Hello. So on July 9th, 2014, I had my wisdom teeth removed. And it was quite the experience. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything beforehand, so that was tough. I was hungry and kind of in a bad mood when it came time for surgery.

Before the entire thing could go down, there was a lot of waiting. First in the waiting room, and then on the dentist chair. UGH. 
For a while, all I had to do was listen to my pulse, because they put this thing on my finger that took track of that, and look outside through the window across from me. Incredibly boring. 
The moment the doctor finally came around, they hooked me up with a gas mask thing on my nose. What I breathed in felt familiar... I'm assuming it was laughing gas, which I did have once before while getting another type of oral surgery. On top of that, the doctor injected the anesthetic into my arm. The last things I remember was 1) the nose mask thing wasn't on quite comfortably, and whether or not I'd be allowed to adjust it's position, 2) the doctor telling my mom "She'll be out real soon", and 3) I didn't feel like I'd be 'out real soon'. 
And then all of a sudden... I went from the dentist chair to the front seat of my mom's minivan. I seriously have no recollection of ever getting up and walking to the car. My mom tells me that I had trouble walking. Well gee, I bet; I wasn't even conscience. 
And now I will briefly summarize the days proceeding this.
Day 1: Eating was an issue. Lots of blood. Lots of nausea and sadness. Appearently nausea occurs when you either take the medicine on an empty stomach or if you swallowed a lot of blood. I know for a fact that I ate quite a bit... and I didn't really ever replace my gauze after first taking them out.... so... I must've ingested a lot of blood. Woooweee. Vomit free since '14.
Day 2: My sleep schedule was all off. I ended up sleeping on the couch all day prior. I wasn't in the mood or had the energy to even think about tackling all those stairs to get to my bedroom. Also- my bedroom was just painted, so the fumes are still all up in that place. So overnight I stayed on the couch. It seemed that I could only sleep for a few hours at time. I went to 'bed' at 10, woke up at 12. Went to sleep again, and woke up at 4. It was awful. My dad came downstairs to leave for work, but before then, he cooked up some soup for me to try to finish. I'm proud to say I did manage to eat the portion that he gave to me. Horray!! 
Day 2 was much like day one, in which I slept on the couch all day. My throat also hurt when swallowing my saliva.
I also went onto the computer briefly to see some youtube videos. It made me laugh, but smiling and laughing brought PAIN. 
At the end of this day, my mom was out, and brought back some fries, which I painstakingly ate. I couldn't really chew, so I'd bite off small fragments of the fry and swallow it without chewing.
When my dad got home, he didn't want me stuck on the couch all night again, so I trudged my way upstairs to my bedroom. Boy oh boy was it nice to have my bed back.  
Day 3: The day felt more right waking up on my bed instead of the couch. My face was outrageously swollen. I'd call the chimpmunk cheeks. Rosa's said that it looks like I'm holding my breath. It was not a fun time. Lots of ice and warm cloths. I also took over my laptop again, and yeah, I almost felt normal again. Frequent naps were still a thing.
Day 4: Swelling slightly gone down, but I noticed discoloration on my cheeks. Bleh. the pain was starting to settle down. Smiling hurt less. 

After day five, the pain and swelling were virtually all gone! I can still, today, feel some discomfort when smiling though, heh. But I'll be alright soon. 

Thanks for reading!!

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