Archive for July 2014


Hello! A few Saturdays ago, I came up with a fabulous idea, and planned out a 5 round activity to determine who was the Nerd Herd's Ultimate Nerd. It was super fun, and HERE IS A PLAYLIST OF ALL OF THE ROUNDS, EDITED BY YOURS TRULY
 Here are my notes planning this event:

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Hello. So on July 9th, 2014, I had my wisdom teeth removed. And it was quite the experience. I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything beforehand, so that was tough. I was hungry and kind of in a bad mood when it came time for surgery.

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True American: Independence Day Edition

Hello. Celebrating the famous 4th of July with friends and family!
The day started with my family going out to the Golden Corral for brunch. I ate mac&cheese, lots of corn, and some ice cream. Afterwards, we went to the Home Depot, and bought some new paint for my bedroom. It's Behr's Manhattan Mist. It's a light grey color.
Around 4, I arrived at Bailey's house for some True American fun! When I got there, Marianna and RJ were baking up a storm in the kitchen, and Bailey and her bae, Taylor, were laying on the couch. Not much later, Vicki arrived as well. 
The group set up to play another rousing game of True American, utilizing smaller cans of soda, and cookies. 
The players this time around were: Bailey, Taylor, Vicki, Marianna, RJ, and I. Dean showed up uninvited, and watched (and helped Taylor cheat). At one point, 1,2,3,4 JFK! FDR! was called TWICE. IN A ROW! This immediately knocked out Bailey, Vicki and I from the game, leaving Marianna, RJ, and Taylor. In the end, Marianna won. As we all did the last time we all played, everyone basically collapsed onto the floor in exhaustion and stomach pain. For some, the addition of cookies helped (such as me. It kept the balance of liquid to solids inside of me.), and to others, it killed them. 
Afterwards, we all chilled out. Taylor and Bailey were both on the floor, so everyone else took part in covering them with all the blankets and pillows in the room. It was PRETTY funny. Also, at one point, stuff was happening, and without him seeing, I squirted lotion onto Taylor's arm and he was like "UGH WHAT IS THIS???" and then a whole lotion commotion happened between him, Bailey, and Marianna. 
Eventually, a thing happened. It was sort of like Human Jenga. Bailor at the bottom, and everyone stacked up on top of them. Also very funny.

Soon, Bailey's dad grilled up some nice burgers, and that was delicious.
After that, I went home!
Thanks for reading.

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