Hello. So a thing that happened last week was I got a letter from this fancy prestigious college summer program thing that offered a seemingly cool opportunity to do this thing that has to do with law and CSI crap. Thing was, it was basically $2,000. That's hecka money. I really wanted to do this thing, despite of the price, and my parents decided to everything in their will convince me that I don't want to do anything that has to do with Law and CSI as a career when I'm older, and this should not be a thing that should be done. 
This went on for approx. 2 days. Not that long.
In the end, I decided that I shouldn't do this thing.
Not because I change my mind about what I want to do when I'm older, but because my friend, Bailey, who was also selected to do this thing, found out that the whole thing was essentially a scam. It doesn't really help with colleges as it so claimed in the letter, and plus... hecka money. 

So that's that story.
The end. 
Thanks for reading?
- Jess 

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