'Twas an Interesting Party

Hello. I just held my birthday party insisting of the NJ Team Pandacat minus a Vicki. Poor Vicki is sick and was unable to come.
After I got home around 2PM, I had a number of things to do. 
First: Take a shower. This was a necessary action in order for me to proceed throughout the afternoon without feeling gross.
Second: Tidy up room. I knew at some point my friends would see my room, and I wanted it to be not messy when that happened.
Third: COOK COOK COOK. I had to cook up some fish fingers and custard. All this took about half an hour.

My mother insisted on cooking a WHOLE shmorgusborg of food objects.

Around 3:45, Rosa and Marianna arrived with even more food, which was great. She had with her 2 batches of cookies, cinnamon buns, and brownies. Yum yum yum.
Bailey came next, bringing a bunch of delicious homemade kettle corn.
Amy arrived last, bearing pretzels.

Altogether, we had fish fingers, chicken fingers, custard, ham, egg rolls, "potato flats", "cookie flats", chocolate chip cookies, German chocolate cake cookies, cinnamon buns, candy canes, kettle corn, pizza, and pretzels.
You may not know, but this is a lot of food for only 5 teenage girls. I'm quite amazed on how much we managed to eat. 

The first thing the party did was open the gifts we got for each other. 
We did a cute little gift exchange thing, where we all got each other gifts. As mentioned in an earlier blog post, I made everyone mix CDs. I'll add the playlist songs at the end of this blog post. 

Gifts received:
Bailey got: Totally rad mix CD from me, extremely awesome painting (fandom themed) from Rosa (that's not her actual gift, but an IOU bc the actual painting she was planning on making couldn't be finished on time), fabulous fandom socks from Amy, and delicious cookies/brownies from Marianna. Marianna's gift was a collective gift to everyone, and it was great. We all loved it, it tasted great.
Rosa got: A rockin' mix CD from me, a beautiful hamburger necklace from Amy, a Doctor Who button, and a cozy TARDIS hat from Bailey.
Marianna: So amazing mix CD from me, a great gummy bear bracelet from Amy, a wolf silhouette painting from Rosa, and a Deadpool shirt from Bailey.
Amy got: So awesome socks from Bailey, more socks from Bailey, a sweet mix CD from me, and a painting of her OTP from Rosa (sorry, I can't remember the names of the characters. They're from Homestuck though.)
Jess got: A super fab watch from Bailey (because I was saying how I always look at my wrist to see the time, and there is always never a watch there), unicorn earrings from Amy, and a unicorn-pegasus hybrid painting from Rosa. 

Our gifts are so fab, guys. I can't handle it.

After the gift exchange was completed,we began watching Stonehenge Apocalypse, starring our dear Misha Collins. Unfortunately, the loading sucked, so instead, we watched The Sign of Three episode of BBC Sherlock. While waiting, though, things got a little 
C R A Z Y. 
I don't know where it went weird. I think it started when Bailey at those Cheese Curlz.... 
I don't think I'll be getting into detail about what happened when Bailey started eating those things. 

SO! We all sat and watched that great episode of Sherlock, and then THE GAMES HAVE BEGUN!
Inspired by the events of the episode, we played that game where you write down a name of something, tape it to another person's head, and you have to guess who's on your head. I don't really know what it's called.
Preparing for the games, I parted ways from everyone else, and headed upstairs to retrieve the needed items. 
I grabbed one of my favorite games, Scribblish, and some index cards. I began heading downstairs, and I walk into everyone putting post-it notes around the house.
"Um... I think I'll go back upstairs and go get something?"
"Yeah, go back upstairs."

I went back upstairs and retrieved some tape so that we can tape the index cards onto our foreheads. I then waited in my room to be beaconed back downstairs. Soon, Amy came up to join me. I showed her this weird reptile stuffed animal a friend, Justin, gave me. 
Jessica: Can you tell me, what is this? A crocodile or an alligator?
Amy: That is neither crocodile or alligator, I do not know what the heck that is, I mean... look at this... these are fins (referring to it's 'legs'.) 

Jessica: Yeah, he handed it to me saying it was an alligator, but I went home and really looked at it and was like 'Is this an alligator? This anatomy is all wrong."
I've been referring to it as 'Crocodile-Alligator-Thing'. 'CAT' for short.
Soon after that exchange, all the others flooded in to see my bedroom.
As I do when friends enter my room, I have them write me a little message on a tiny post-it for my wall. Already on there, I wrote myself "Reminder: It is OKAY to forgive yourself", "You look ULTRA FAB", "At least you're not Steve Carlsburg"

Rosa wrote to me, "dang gurl, are you my appendix because i don't understand how you work, but this feeling I have inside my stomach makes me want to take you out." and "Your mother is a gerbil, and your father smells of elderberries."
Bailey wrote, "Don't commit Suicide ~Lestrade&Bailey", and Marianna wrote, "Jess, did you just holy molotov my brother?" (in reference to a line of the episode Swan Song of Supernatural. 
We all headed back downstairs, where I did a little scavenger hunting, searching for as many of the post-it notes placed all throughout my downstiars floor. I found quite a number but not even half of what they placed, so as 2014 goes on, I'll probably be still finding a bunch of those post-it notes. I've been placing these notes on my bedroom door so I could look at them, and read the little notes on them.
After I've found all those obvious ones, we started playing. We began playing that 'Who Am I' type of game. The game is actually really fun. The first round, Bailey- Troy Bolton (form High School Musical), Rosa- Castiel (from Supernatural), Marianna- Anna (from Supernatural), Me- Mary Morstan (from Sherlock), and Amy- a Dalek (from Doctor Who). 
The second round it was Me- Balthazar (from Supernatural), Bailey- King Arthur (from Merlin), Amy- Augustus Waters (from The Fault In Our Stars), Rosa- Robin Sparkles (from How I Met Your Mother), and Marianna- Beyonce. 
When we finished those two games, we began playing Scribblish, which is always a fun game. It's like the drawing version of Telephone, and it can lead to some hilarious things. 
Unfortunately, after we finished a few rounds of that game, 9pm rolled around, and my friends began departing, starting with Bailey. Marianna left second, taking her brownies and cookies with her. Rosa was the third to leave, and Amy, last to come, last to leave. 
Before they left, my lovely friends helped clean up the mess made in my living room, which was very nice and extremely helpful. 

That marked the end of my 16th birthday party, and I loved it so very much. 
Later that night, Bailey and I watched a scary movie, You're Next, together via Skype. It was pretty spoopy the first half, because I didn't know what the bad guy looked like, and jump scares suck. The second half wasn't so bad because after I got to see them, it wasn't so bad. It was just guys in masks. 

Now, as for the mix CDs, I will share all but Vicki's, who has not received her Mix CD yet. 
I will share in alphabetical order.


  1. Helena Beat - Foster the People
  2. Dirty Night Clowns - Chris Garneau
  3. Angel With A Shotgun - The Cab
  4. I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) - The Proclaimers
  5. Carried Away - Passion Pit
  6. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At The Disco
  7. Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
  8. King - Lauren Aquilina
  9. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
  10. Where Everybody Knows Your Name - Gary Portnoy
  1. Carry On Wayward Son - Kansas
  2. Stayin' Alive - Beegees
  3. Women Love Jared Padalecki A Lot - Papa Razzi and the Photogs
  4. Heat of the Moment - Asia
  5. Song of the Lonely Mountain - Neil Finn
  6. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
  7. Cruise - Georgia Florida Line
  8. Can't Help Falling In Love - Elvis Presely
  9. Coming Home Part II - Skylar Grey
  1. I Have Friends In Holy Spaces - Panic! At The Disco
  2. Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine
  3. I Miss You - blink-182
  4. Asleep - The Smiths
  5. Fall For You - Secondhand Serenade
  6. Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) - Nico Vega
  7. Mr. Big Shot - Anarbor
  8. Miss Missing You - Fall Out Boy
  9. Teenagers - My Chemical Romance
  1. Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Lights Orchestra
  2. Thinking of You - The Maine
  3. I Don't Want To Miss A Thing - Aerosmith
  4. Little Talks - Of Monsters and Men
  5. Miss Jackson - Panic! At The Disco
  6. She's So Mean - Matchbox Twenty
  7. Under Pressure - Queen
  8. I Write Sins Not Tragedies - Panic! At the Disco
  9. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons
  10. Getting Better - Smash Mouth

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