Hello! You know what bugs me? Minor thing- but- there's such a limited number of fonts to choose from. Oh well.
IT'S SPRING BREAK 2015! What a time. I'm determined to make this vacation different from my winter vacation- and I'm actually not gonna spend all day lazing around in bed. I'm determined not to waste my days. We've only been given a 7ish day break, and diddly darn it, I'm gonna use those days wisely.
It is currently Thursday as I write this, so the vacation's already beginning to simmer down. Here's what I've done on my vacation so far:
- Went to Shop Rite with Amy and bagged items for a fundraiser thing.
- Went to Rosa's abode and filmed an SBB video with her, Amy, and Marianna
- After suffering from intense allergy symptoms from being around her cat, I went home, ate and recuperated, and then headed over to Amy's house to play Super Smash Bros. Around 7PM, I started feeling exhausted (must've been from all the social interaction I've gone through in one single day). I walked home (which was very nice. The weather was being v kind that day, as opposed to the astringent winter New Jersey went through.) Later that night, one of my role model's, Grace Helbig, her show was premiering at 10:30. It was still around 7PM, so I figured "Hey, I'll take a short nap, and I'll wake up in time to catch the show!" So I took a nap, and when I woke up, it wAS PAST MIDNIGHT. I was heartbroken.
-First thing I did was watch the Grace Helbig Show on Demand. It's amazing. It made me laugh.
-Edited the video recorded the day before.
-Filmed more stuff for another video.
-Pranked my sister SO HARD when she came home from her 2-week vacation in the Philippines. My friends and I filled her bedroom with over a thousand balloons.
- Finished editing the video filmed on Friday.... yeah that counts as being productive.
- Considering the fine weather of late, I decided to take a leisurely walk around my neighborhood in the morning while listening to Welcome to NightVale. It was nice.
- Went to the doctor and got two immunization shots. Cool times.
- Tried getting some cereal, but the top of the container holding my cereal popped off, and cereal just got EVERYWHERE. It was a sad time.
- Went to another doctor, this time for a wellness check or whatever. I ended up getting two more shots- this time vaccines. I also learned that I'm at risk of getting pneumonia, so I now have to use my inhaler four times a day. Also I have to see a podiatrist as well as get a bloodwork. On the brighter side- I grew one inch! So I'm now 5'1''.
- Bailey got home from her vacation to North Carolina, so me, her, Rosa, and Amy shared dinner at Java Joe's. Only Bailey spent most of the time at a staff meeting. Me Rosa and Amy just had fun goofing around at our own table. This Tuesday was pretty crappy, but this was easily the best time of the day. Aside from the part where I ate too much and gave myself a stomach ache.
- The four of us plotted for a new possible podcast we wanna make.
Oh this day had so much more potential.
- Plans to go to Six Flags were today- but was postponed to Friday.
- Finished editing the Balloon Prank video shared above.
- Made ShowsBeforeBros feel eveN MORE PROFESSIONAL AND STUFF. I feel like my editing skills have advanced so much since the beginning of the channel. Like, I thought I was good then but NOW, oh ho ho. I'm making it up there to the professional youtuber vlogger level in editing. Watching lots of videos online and picking up their editing styles is helping v much. For me, the biggest influences are Jacksfilms and itsGrace. Some elements picked up from Connor Franta and Dan & Phil have been picked up as well.
That's today! Today I'm thinking I should clean my room a bit. Y'know Spring Cleaning (oh that's actually not a bad idea. It's 1PM and I haven't really left my bed to do anything yet). And then work on the essay my diabolical English teacher assigned to her class to complete over the break. It's due to TurnItIn by Sunday night. Yeah, no last minute essays the period before for that class. I, stupidly, left my english textbook at school. That textbook is a vital element to completing the essay, so I'm waiting on Bailey to drop by my house to let me borrow her book. I really need it. I have an A in my English Class, I don't wanna let it drop because I was being a dingus.
This is tomorrow! I'm planning on spending the day at Six Flags with Amy and Rosa. As it turns out, we're the only roller coaster junkies in the Nerd Herd. Vicki and Marianna are like deathly afraid of the things, and if I know Bailey from iPlay America, she probably doesn't like it that much more. She freaking got nauseous on the Tilt-A-Whirl ride. LAME.
I have nothing particularly planned for this day. Maybe I could get the Herd to all hang out together at least once before the break ends. Maybe plot more for the podcast.
Ahhh the day before the day. I'll make sure everything that needs to be done is done before school starts. On this day, I'll allow myself to chill out all day.
Yep! So that's the plan/what happened for the break!
Thanks for reading.